Thursday, April 19, 2007


With good blogs going down, I felt a compulsion to check in with some of my favorite other bloggy buds. I am happy to report everyone else is alive and posting.

The Royal Magazine
not a blog, I realize. But still a favorite and only online, so it totally counts in my book!
is busy reminding me that even the most mundane can be classy, fun and accessorized! In response to making me think all things Audrey Hepburn this morning, you can purchase earplugs a la Breakfast at Tiffany's here.

hmm. andrea, I might be with you on having to add these to my accessory repertoire!

c'est bon!
is making me laugh, writing and finding the funniest stuff on the web. Her latest post on Knut (the baby bear in Germany), is a great case of found laughter. And don't miss her post that includes this treasure of a sentence, "My sister is going to be an illegally fighting, scrappy rooster." Nothing short of brilliant.

Les Cadeaux I fell in love with this blog (can you do that? love a virtual good, I mean?) when I read her post on having the courage to make the BIG decisions in life. I must excerpt it here:

9. I went to see Titanic alone, back in 1997. And I didn’t die. And no one pointed and laughed and wondered why I was alone. Now I prefer going to the movies alone, and I also enjoy taking myself out for a meal, just me. Learning how to be alone with yourself is really important, I think. Or maybe it was Oprah who said that. Regardless, it’s totally true.

10. I went to the Bide-a-Wee shelter on 38th street “just to find out what the process is,” in case we wanted to get a dog. Three hours later, me and Miss Tuesday were staring at each other warily in the kitchen of my old apartment. Best spontaneous thing I have ever done, hands down. I’d have said ‘paws down’ but that is too dorky, even for me. Almost.

ETA ETA ETA!!! Eeek, I just realized that I left out two very important Decisions! Forget what I said about the Meg Ryan shag and the InStyle reading and replace them with the following two things:

11. I fired my maid of honor. Sure, this makes me sound like a straight up whack job c*nt bridezilla whorebitch from hell, but trust me when I tell you it was a very good thing...

12. I asked a friend from work if he’d like to hang out over the weekend. He said Okay, we hung out, I asked him to hang out again, we kissed, then some other stuff happened, we got married, and he’s currently sitting in the other room eating a peanut butter sandwich and giving bits of the crust to the dog.

Kanardo, a two headed unit for graphic design
and so much more! Always introducing me to new and fabulous things, I really have to have the swarovski encrusted flash drive! All material goods aside, I now covet the flash codes of bfreeone and the beauty of youaresolastyear!

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