Tuesday, April 10, 2007


There's a great story behind the web address, but it is not mine to tell. Stories do however abound on the site, and they are beautiful, intelligent musings on the life of a sometimes nomad, as he lives, spends time in and learns about a place. I want a life of endless adventures in everyday places, I guess that's why I love these so much.

A city can be judged on size, on money, on age. A city can be judged on smiles it creates.

In the fresh light tomorrow when all have awoken at their tallest, spines uncrunched by the weight of the work week, count them in passing. I have watched the crowds of Tokyo, the masses of New York, the push of Boston, the rumble of San Francisco, the throb of London, the cacaphonous mass of Shanghai for them, I have noted their absence, their brevity, their toothless gaping. - inhab.it

1 comment:

Wil said...

I just wanted to say that I am glad you found inhab.it, and even more so that you find some beauty there. Thank you.