Wednesday, September 12, 2007


In life there are many things, rituals set up that we are supposed to do or take part in. Generally speaking I want nothing to do with these things. I like to call these the Other Things. Partly because there are numerous other things I'd rather be doing and they are things that are just, other. Not fun, not horrifying, literally just other.

The High School Reunion falls with a splat into this category. Do you really need to spend a night with people you haven't bothered to call in 10 years? I was firm that there was no way I was doing this other thing. Haven't I done enough other things I whined to no one in particular. I was not excited.

But then I found myself boarding a plane headed not for San Francisco and a fabulous party (damn!) but for Sacramento. Curiosity got the better of me and I reasoned that this was one of those things, like Prom, that maybe wasn't so hot in person but later you were glad you went. If for no other reason then you know it really is not the fairy tale cheesy movies make it out to be.

And that is what happened. It wasn't so hot. But I didn't die either. I spent several hours in a Hilton ballroom behind the mall and watched the same groups form as they had on the lunch quad a decade ago. I slipped from group to group as I had back then too. I exchanged numbers with a few people I felt ashamed that I had not kept up with. I gave out a few cards to those who work in similar things. I met some of them at a bar later.

Then I found myself on a plane back to LA and the life I have spent 10 years creating. And I smiled. I live at the beach. I am a designer. I went to college. I have great hair (everyone was twitter-pated about the hair). And I am proud of myself.

It got me ready for Monday. A while back I wrote about somethings being fine and it turns out I may have spoken too soon. But that is a whole other thing.

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